
International Lazy Moms’ Day

On the first Friday of every September, we celebrate National Lazy Mom’s Day. This year, it falls on the 3rd of September. This day is not meant to celebrate Lazy Mom’s but to encourage hard-working moms to take some time for themselves, in other words, a lazy day for them. Yes, we know the old saying, “a mother’s work is never finished,” but it can be paused momentarily.

No one knows where it originated or who had the brilliant idea to make this a “day” but we applaud the sentiment. The reality is that many mothers have daily responsibilities, other than parenting, that require our continuous attention. The lazy mom’s day gives them some time to take a breather, relax and be celebrated for all the time and effort they put in. Here are some ideas on how to celebrate the moms in your life this lazy mom’s day!

How to celebrate your mom this lazy moms’ day:

  1. Breakfast in bed.

Start your moms’ day by making her a nice breakfast in bed. This will make her feel special and treated. You can start by offering her breakfast in bed. She will be very happy and you will see a huge smile on her face. Make her favorite food such as pancakes, toasted bread, sausages, scrambled eggs or bacon and serve with her favorite, tea or coffee and maybe have that accompanied with juice. You could also include a sweet note along with the food to tell your mom that you love her, you appreciate her and that she deserves a break on this Lazy Mom’s Day.

  • Take over the chores.

As we’ve seen, Lazy Moms Day is all about giving your mom a break from her usual responsibilities. This day is a holiday from the drudgery of cooking, laundry, dishes, car pools and bathroom cleaning. Moms are often the backbone of the household; however, they also need time to rest and recharge. As a treat, you can give your mom time to rest, and take over all the chores in the home. You can do the laundry, prepare dinner, clean and organize around the home, clean the backyard among other chores that may be there in the home. This gives your mum time to rest and enjoy her day!

  • Get her a lovely gift.

We all love gifts and gifting your mum with something special and uniquely her is a sure way to make her smile.  If you are aware of your mom’s choice, then it will be really easy to order a meaningful gift that she would love. Ranging from cakes, jewelry, accessories, apparels, handbags to personalized cushions, there are plenty of gift ideas that you can offer her on Mother’s Day as a token of love. We suggest gifting your mom these beautiful shoes below!!

  • Pamper your mum.

We all love feeling special and making your mother feel special on lazy moms’ day should be a priority. This can be done through pampering her. This reminds her that she is important to you, and that you care about her and her well-being while also giving her a well-deserved break. Your mother may want some time alone a chance for a little rest and relaxation, either way, these are some amazing pampering options for your mom.

  • A long, luxurious, soothing bath.
  • A day at the spa getting treatments
  • A manicure at her favorite nail salon
  • A nice shopping spree where she gets anything she wants (within reason of course)
  • Whatever else you know she would really love!

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